The Keys to Spelling Success: Part 1


I’m often asked, “Why does it seem that my child can read well but struggles with spelling?” The short answer is that reading is a task that requires recognition, but spelling is one that requires production.

The best way for students to learn how to produce a written word is by teaching them about language so that words can be permanently stored in their long-term memories. Students learn best through knowledge of language, not rote memorization.

This means that we cannot supply students with lists we expect to be memorized. We must make learning about language an integral part of spelling instruction to maximize successful outcomes. Spelling instruction should be packed with many key components to grow strong spellers.

Here are three of the ten (the next six coming in upcoming posts) components I ensure to integrate into my spelling instruction.

  1. Phoneme-grapheme correspondence

    This means making sure that students can match a grapheme (one or more letters) with the sound it makes. For example, the short e sound can be represented by the grapheme “e” as in echo or the grapheme “ea” as in bread. An important part of phonemic-grapheme correspondence within spelling is the ability to segment a word or syllable into individual sounds and knowing that each of those sounds is represented by a grapheme. I often use this portable sound wall as a reference to support and discuss phoneme-grapheme relationships. Remember, a phoneme is a sound and a grapheme is one or more letters that represents that phoneme. Some sounds have only one representation while others have many more.

  2. Syllable types

    There are six syllable types: open, closed, magic E, r-controlled, vowel team / diphthong, and consonant + LE. Syllable types matter in spelling because students have to know that each syllable must have a written vowel. When segmenting the sounds of a word — or syllables of a multisyllabic word — it is helpful for students to think about the type of syllable they are writing to ensure the appropriate vowel placement. The word PURPLE is a prime example. If a student segments this word they have to think hard about the two syllable types in order to get the vowel placement accurately. In the first syllable, they will know it’s an r-controlled syllable type and the vowel will come before the R. For the second syllable, they recognize this as a c + le syllable type and know that the two syllables together spell PUR/PLE.

  3. Rules and generalizations

    The English language certainly has its share of rules and generalizations; however, when we explicitly teach them in a systematic and simplified way, they can aid enormously in one’s spelling ability. Some of these rules include each syllable having a vowel, when to use CK vs. K for a final /k/ sound, when to drop a final E, when to double a consonant, and the many hats worn by the silent finale E.

Read Keys 4-6 here.

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Long A Spelling Patterns

We know that the long a sound spells its name. But how many ways are there to spell this long vowel sound? I teach EIGHT different ways to spell the long a sound.

Knowing these different spelling patterns for this one sound is vital in developing phonemic awareness that will support students on their journey of becoming strong, confident, and fluent independent readers.

As students move from picture-heavy readers to more text-heavy books, they need to be equipped to confidently tackle words without guessing or using pictures. Targeted phonics instruction will not only help students decode more fluently, but students who have strong decoding and fluency skills also comprehend what they read more efficiently.

In this post, I list each of the eight spelling patterns as well as when each spelling pattern is most likely to be used.


Can spell the long a sound at the end of a syllable. Ex: acorn


Can spell the long a sound when the silent final e makes the a say its name. Ex: cake


Can spell the long a sound at the beginning or in the middle of a word. Ex: aim; rain.


Can spell the long a sound at the end of a base word. Ex: play


Can spell the long a sound in the middle of a word. Ex: break


Can spell the long a sound in the middle of a word. Ex: their


Can spell the long a sound at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word Ex: eight; neighbor; sleigh


Can spell the long a sound at the end of a word. Ex: hey

For targeted practice with the different spelling patterns of the long a sound, check out this decodable reading resource in my shop.


Spring Words From A To Z

Spring is here (so says the calendar). And even though I still haven’t swapped out my flannel sheets, the days are longer and lighter, and signs of spring will soon be on the way.

This post is a compilation of spring words. Here are a few ideas on how to use them:

  1. Choose several words to alphabetize. This is a skill that ALWAYS needs some practice. For younger students that need extra support, choose only a few words that begin with different letters. With students that need less support and are up for more of a challenge, choose words that begin with the same letter, encouraging students to alphabetize by second and third letters.

  2. Choose a few nouns from the list and ask students to list as many adjectives as they can think of to describe each noun.

  3. Pick 8-10 words and ask student to write a short autumn story using all of the chosen words. For students needing more support, they can write a descriptive sentence for each word.

  4. Choose several words and write each one on a separate scrap of paper. Fold the papers and put them into a bag or container. Students take turns choosing a paper and describing the word on the paper for others to guess.

  5. What words may students not know? Choose a handful of words that might be new. Discuss the meaning of the word and have them use it in a sentence, and illustrate it. Have them discuss with a partner how each word relates to spring.

A: allium; April

B: baseball; bed (in a garden); bee; bicycle; birds; birth; bloom; blossom; bouquet; born; break (as in spring break); breeze; breezy; bud; bunny; buttercup; butterfly; buzz; buzzing

C: calf; calves; cardigan; caterpillar; cherry blossoms; chicks; chirp; cleaning; crocus

D: dahlia; daffodils; downpour; duck; duckling

E: Earth Day; Easter; eggs

F: farm; Father’s Day; flowers; foal

G: galoshes; garden; gardening; geranium; gosling; grass; grasshopper

H: hatch; hoe; hyacinth;

I: iris

J: June; jog

K: kid (baby goat); kite

L: ladybug; lamb; lawn; lawn mower; light

M: March; marigold; May; melt; Memorial Day; migrate; migration; Mother’s Day

N: nest; north

O: orchid; outside

P: Passover; picnic; piglet; planting; pollen; pouring; puddle

Q: quack (says the duck)

R: rain; rainbows; rainbow; raindrops; rebirth; robin; rose; rosebud

S: sandals; sap; seeds; shorts; shovel; skirts; sneakers; soil; spade; spring; spring cleaning; springtime; sprout; sweatshirt; sunshine; sun shower

T: thaw; tulip

U: umbrella

V: vernal equinox; vest

W: warm; watering can; wheelbarrow; wind; windbreaker; windy; woodpecker; worm

X: taXes

Y: yard

Z: zinnia

Are there any other words you’d add to this list?