Halloween Writing Prompts

Halloween writing is here! Writing with a theme is a great way to capture the holiday spirit while continuing to work on academic skills.

Scroll down to find some holiday-themed writing prompts for your students.

  1. If you were with a group of friends who all wanted to tell scary ghost stories, but one friend didn’t, what would you do, and why?

  2. What 3 pieces of advice would you give other kids about staying safe on Halloween?

  3. Write two facts and two opinions about Halloween.

  4. Write step-by-step directions on how to carve a pumpkin. Use signal words such as first, then, next, after, finally.

  5. Write a descriptive sentence for each of the following words: haunted; cauldron; spell; broomstick; spooky; neighborhood; treats; disguise. (CHALLENGE: Write a mini-story that includes all of these words.)

  6. What are the first five words that come to mind when you think of Halloween?

  7. Make a list of ways trick-or-treaters can be respectful on Halloween.

  8. Write a well-written paragraph about why you like or dislike Halloween.

If you’d like to download a version to distribute to students or keep at a literacy center, I’ve got you covered! Click here to grab your free printable.

Fall Words from A to Z

Fall is in the air, and I am LOVING it. There is almost nothing that I don’t love about this time of year.

This post is a compilation of fall words. Here are a few ideas on how to use them:

  1. Choose several words to alphabetize. This is a skill that ALWAYS needs some practice. For younger students that need extra support, choose only a few words that begin with different letters. With students that need less support and are up for more of a challenge, choose words that begin with the same letter, encouraging students to alphabetize by second and third letters.

  2. Choose a few nouns from the list and ask students to list as many adjectives as they can think of to describe each noun.

  3. Pick 8-10 words and ask student to write a short autumn story using all of the chosen words. For students needing more support, they can write a descriptive sentence for each word.

  4. Choose several words and write each one on a separate scrap of paper. Fold the papers and put them into a bag or container. Students take turns choosing a paper and describing the word on the paper for others to guess.

  5. What words may students not know? Choose a handful of words that might be new. Discuss the meaning of the word and have them use it in a sentence, and illustrate it. Have them discuss with a partner how each word relates to fall.

A: acorns; amber; apples; applesauce; aroma; autumn

B: bale (of hay); ballot; blanket; boots; bounty; bushel

C: candidate; carve; change; chestnuts; chipmunk; cider; cinnamon; clouds; cloves; colonial; colors; cool; corduroys; corn; corn maze; cornstalk; cornucopia; costume; cozy; cranberries; crisp; crow

D: Daylight Savings; December; deciduous; decorative

E: election; Election Day; equinox

F: fall; family; feast; fireplace; firewood; flannel; fleece; fog; foliage; football; frost

G: ginger; gourds; guest; gusty

H: Halloween; harvest; haunted; hayride; heat; hood; horn of plenty; hibernate

I: inspirational; inspiring

J: Jack O’lanter; jacket;

K: kitchen; knitting

L: leaves; logs; lunchbox

M: migrate; moon

N: November; nutmeg

O: October; orange; orchard

P: pear; persimmon; pie; pinecones; pumpkins

Q: quiche; quilt

R: raincoat; rake; red; Rosh Hashanah; russet; rustling

S: scarecrow; scarf; scarlet; scenic; September; slippers; sneeze; socks; soup; spices; spider; squash; squirrels; Sukkot; sunflower; sweater

T: tea; teapot; thankful; Thanksgiving; tractor; traditions; treats; tricks; turkey

U: umbrella

V: Veteran’s Day; vibrant; vote

W: wind; windbreaker; World Series; wool

X: eXtra layer

Y: yam; yellow; Yom Kippur

Z: zipper

Are there any other fall-related words that you would add to this list? I’d love to hear!

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